Thursday, January 29, 2009


I think this quiz knows me a little too well LOL! I don't make resolutions but when I do I don't keep them well.

You Probably Won't Keep Your New Year's Resolution

Something isn't quite right with the resolution you've selected. Maybe it's time for a different one?

Monday, January 26, 2009

365, announcement and a freebie :)

K, I've been trying really hard to keep up with my 365, despite not having posted in like 3 weeks I HAVE been faithfully taking photos everyday and scrapping weekly recaps. I'm proud of myself. This one was too cute not to share. Gabriel is a lover of baths. He just looked so cute getting out of the tub last night with his head all covered by that big old towel :).

Lena and I have big news to share! We debuted at Elemental Scraps today! We are especially proud of this kit, Pear Extraordinaire, since we are a pair ourselves LOL.

To celebrate our debut we would like to share with you this freebie that coordinates with our new kit (you can pick the whole kit up at ES for just 3.85 ALL WEEK, this week!)

Don't forget it's DOLLAR DAY at Elemental Scraps! We've got two adorable valentine kits and two button date pack in dollar day! Don't miss them :)

Thursday, January 22, 2009

birthday cupcakes :)

My favorite kind cupcakes are the birthday kind ;)! I always do cupcake cakes for my boys birthdays! I'm thinking of doing this kind of birthday cake (minus the purple) for my Julian's first birthday next month. Of course, I couldn't do it without the help of my wonderful, magnificent, totally awesome, best sister in the whole world, Lena :). *batting eyelashes*

Thursday, January 15, 2009

a discount shopper...

You Are a Discount Shopper

You love to get things as cheaply as possible. You live for sales.

It's partially because you like to save money, but it's also because you like the thrill of finding a fabulous deal.

Of all the types, you tend to shop frequently but rarely by. You keep an eye on prices.

Brand names are not that important to you. You know how to have style without collecting designer tags.

Thursday, January 08, 2009

It's right....

Your Snow Test Says You're Agreeable

You feel like something good will happen to you eventually, but not soon.

You love to work, especially when work is physical. You do well in any job, as long as you're not stuck in an office.

You are a cooperative, agreeable person. You enjoy the company of others, and you enjoy compromising for the good of the group.

Your biggest worry in life is your family. You stay up at night thinking about them.

When it comes time to relax, you have no problem letting go. You are already pretty relaxed as is!

Friday, January 02, 2009

Project 365 resolution!

So it's a new year! It's always a little exciting and unnerving to start a new year. The unknown lies ahead! I decided to do project 365 this year. I hope I'm able to stay motivated to keep up with it! I don't normally do resolutions, it's just not my thing. However, since I would really love to keep up with this neat little project. I resolve to participate and take daily photos (shouldn't be too hard for a scrapbooker, right?)

Here are my photos from yesterday and today! We took down the tree yesterday! Its always a little sad for me to see it go but it's nice to have the living room back.

Today's photo centers around Tristan's recent obsession to play with playdough. I'm all for it but he's untrustworthy with playdough so it needs to be supervised and we've been busy cleaning all day. Finally have the house mostly under control so I step into the restroom. Moments later I hear a thunk and a Tristan runs into the bathroom to tell me that he didn't do it! Likely story LOL!