Monday, December 18, 2006

here i go again...

Well, today has been completely unproductive. Seriously, I don't know where the day has gone. I've managed to accomplish NOTHING. Well, maybe not nothing. I had a important meeting to go to, which I did, but other than that. I didn't scrap or design at all. I may scrap some tonight though. I've got some cute CT goodies to work with :).

Ugh, I still need to go to the store. I guess that is what I'll be doing as soon as I wrap this up. I really dread it. So close to Christmas, madness in the store. Two children who would rather be anywhere else. I *could* get someone to watch them, I think. As wildly unreliable as my so-called family has been lately I'm not really that sure. It's almost an insult to families to call what I have for a support system --a family. I guess if your life is so perfect you don't have time to think about anyone else, eh? Tis the season...

Think happy thoughts....think happy thoughts....

Okay, enough venting! I had a meeting today with Gabriel's team! He is going to start school January 2 *sniff*! It's tooooo close. Everyone keeps saying "Oh but it will be nice to get a break from him."

Please! Gabriel is a pure angel. Take the 2 year old, I beg of you *lol*! Actually we did talk about that. Tristan is still delayed in his speech, so he should qualify for school next fall! I can't believe that in less than a year both my babies will be in school! Amazing! Oh the possibilities. They would be gone from 7:30 am to a little after 12 pm. Hmm...I would probably just go back to sleep *lol*. I am sooooo not a morning person.

Hmm....Blade: Trinity just came on! I'm so tempted to stay and watch it instead of going to the store. Alas, I'm out of Pespi again though *pthpth*! I've been stalling here waiting for a return e-mail from my friend *you know who you are lol.*

Well, maybe I'll watch Blade and then go the store. It's not like I'm on anyone's schedule. We live a nocturnal lifestyle as it is and the masses of shoppers will be thinned considerably.


Blogger Lena Brandenburg said...

Both kids in school? Now that throws me for a loop...seems like an altered state of reality! I guess since Nathan didn't start school till he was 4 and even then it was only 2 days a, just seems so soon!

Don't let yourself run out of pepsi, now! :D

Monday, December 18, 2006 at 11:37:00 PM EST  

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