Saturday, December 30, 2006

One ER Trip and 7 stitches later...

It was 2 a.m. I had one peacefully sleeping Gabriel. I had one wild child with sleep being the furthest thing from his mind. I'm desperately exhausted.

I think "Hey! Let's give Tristan a bath. He loves baths. Maybe it'll wind him down enough to go to sleep."

So I pop him in the bath, everything is all fine and dandy. He splishes, he splashes. All is well. So then it's time to get him out of the bath.

I had placed the towel on the sink behind me. So I stand up and turn around to get it. In a flash, as I'm turning around with the towel. I hear BOOM!!!

Tristan had climbed up on the side of the tub and fell off. He's on the floor screaming.

I grab him up with the towel and try to comfort him. I walk with him into the living room and he starts to calm down. I set him down and start to dry him off. To my horror, I see blood pouring down his leg!!!

He freaks out and starts trying to get away from me. He's not crying but he doesn't want me messing with his knee. I finally get him on the couch. It's AWFUL. It's this huge gash in his knee. Now it's my turn to freak out.

I'm frantic. I can't find anything to dress his wound with. He's partially wet and naked. Gabriel is asleep. I'm here all alone. I know even if I could find plenty of first aid supplies that the wound is so bad that he's going to need stitches.

So I'm running around like a chicken with my head cut off trying to get him ready to go and a bag together for the boys. I started the car to let it warm up. I got a pajama shirt on him. I woke up Gabriel. Threw a couple diapers, his pajama bottoms, and 2 sippy cups in my purse. Wrap a blanket loosely around Tristan and put him in the car. Then dart back in the house to get Gabriel.

Off to the ER we go! So we get there. I park right in front and carry Tristan in. I have to leave him with a Nurses Assistant to go get Gabriel from the car. Tristan is hysterical b/c he's scared and doesn't want to me to go. I can hear him screaming while I'm outside putting together Gabriel's wheelchair.

It's a small ER and 2:30 AM so we are the only ones there. The doctor comes in and confirms my suspicion that he would need stitches :(. So the Nurses Assistant wheels Gabriel out of the room so he doesn't hear all the commotion. Tristan is TERRIFIED. He doesn't know what is going on but anytime the doctor or nurses get near him he starts wailing.

They had to tightly wrap him up in a sheet to get him to be still. The two nurses held down his legs while the doctor put in the stitches. It was awful. He was so scared and he screamed the whole time. I know a lot of it was that he was being held down but it seemed so traumatic for him.

He ended up with 7 stitches! My poor widdle guy! The doctor said he had the toughest knees he had ever seen! The also put the dermabond glue over his stitches for extra protection since it is on his knee. He has to wear them for TWO whole weeks because it is on his knee. Ugh, I hope removing them isn't as bad as it was getting them!

So here we are at 6 a.m. One ER trip and 7 stitches later, I've got two little boys who are very grumpy and seem to have little interest in going back to bed *sigh*!


Blogger katg1006 said...

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Saturday, December 30, 2006 at 9:09:00 AM EST  
Blogger katg1006 said...

What a horrible time for you!! I can't imagine having to do that alone. I hope your little one has an easy day today and you are able to find some sleep soon!

Saturday, December 30, 2006 at 9:09:00 AM EST  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a horrible ordeal!! Did Tristan land on something sharp? I can't imagine how shook up you must have been. Hope you all get some rest tonight! Deb

Saturday, December 30, 2006 at 3:33:00 PM EST  
Blogger LuAnn said...

Get some rest Momma! What a terrible thing for both you and the boys to go thru!

Sunday, December 31, 2006 at 12:46:00 AM EST  

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