Tuesday, October 02, 2007


That's me. I'm awake. Long before I need to be awake, but awake none the less *lol*. Not sure why but I just spontaneously woke up at 4:30 and it has become evident that I'm not going back to sleep any time soon!

I've got a pretty full week ahead of me so I'm not sure when I'll have time to blog again. Gabriel has several dr's appts this week. It seems like I'm always dragging my poor little guy to some dr. I think we are almost through this latest round. We usually have big waves of appointments every 5-6 months. So we've got 3 more this week and we just got a letter notifying us of another appointment next week. I thought the calender was looking a bit bare *lol*!
I'm starting to feel that oh-so-hopeful lull of possible sleepiness again so I'm going to jump on it and hope to catch a few more zzz's before my alarm bellows through the house. Before I head back to neverland here is my latest creation!
My little pumpkins using Pamela Gibsons On the Lighter Side: Halloween and Micheline Martin's Old and Forgotten alpha.
See full credits here


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